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Henkel Pretreatment

Henkel Pretreatment Products

Trimite are UK Partners for Henkel and distribute a range of their Bonderite pretreatment products.

Key product details can be found below with links to Technical Data Sheets (TDS), which can also be found on our Products page. While we regularly check these TDS for updates, there may be more recent issues on the Henkel website here.

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) can be sent on request. They can also be downloaded from the Henkel website (select ‘Safety Data Sheets (Adhesive Technologies)’, choose Country as ‘Great Britain’, language as English, then ‘Save’ and conduct search).


For Sales enquiries, please Contact Trimite.

For an overview of Henkel in the UK, see

Henkel logo red on white background
Powder coating of metal parts. A woman in a protective suit sprays powder paint from a gun on metal products
Metallic pieces galvanized on zinc bath